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Newsless courier

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:27 pm
by bojack
You guys bust on p@c for the cougar coverage but their in depth ongoing reporting the last few years is second to none. 1.The piggly wiggly esop scam where mgt scammed and looted its own longtime loyal employees as it was quietly going under was a really good story. 2.The ongoing reports on the self dealing corrupt scumbags taking payoffs to run our state government. 3.The same career criminals lack of taxpayer oversight and in fact looking the other way as billions of state taxpayer dollars went to a ridiculous halfassed attempt to build nukes. 4.The latest threat of bad taxpayer loans going to recycle tires which isn't being done and could really make a toxic wasteland of much of our state.
There really are too many great stranger than fiction stories to list regarding our state government and who they really work for.
Always vote against incumbents every chance you get should be our lesson learned.
Term limits would solve all.